
German police raid BMW in diesel emissions probe

German police raid BMW in diesel emissions probe

German police raided BMW’s headquarters in Munich on Tuesday as part of an investigation into suspected cheating on diesel emissions. BMW said in a statement that it was cooperating with authorities. “The BMW Group takes…

BMW confirms inspection by EU antitrust officials

BMW confirms inspection by EU antitrust officials

EU staff had “conducted an inspection” at BMW’s Munich offices this week, BMW carmaker said in a statement to Reuters, adding that it is “assisting the European Commission in its work”. The EU’s Brussels executive…

BMW expands diesel engine production at Steyr

Auto Bild retracts allegations regarding BMW diesel emissions

Auto Bild retracts allegations regarding BMW diesel emissions

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but Volkswagen’s going though a bit of a scandal lately. That’s sarcasm, of course you’ve heard, it’s been all over the news, Internet and everything else. Volkswagen lied about…

Editorial: Where's my Diesel?

Editorial: Where’s my Diesel?

Diesels. They’re a big part of BMW’s future with cars like the Vision EfficientDynamics Concept and just as big throughout their past. However, American consumers are none-the-wiser about the incredible potential that lie within these torquey,…