BMW Z3 Roadster

BMW Z3 Enthusiasts Unite for Iconic Gathering in Slovakia

BMW Z3 Enthusiasts Unite for Iconic Gathering in Slovakia

BMW Z3 enthusiasts in Slovakia had a reason to celebrate this year when the first-ever club dedicated to this iconic car model was launched. The inaugural meeting took place at the Bernolákov Mansion, where owners…

Video: Here's a retro review of the 1996 BMW Z3

Video: Here’s a retro review of the 1996 BMW Z3

Back in the 1990s, people had a different lifestyle. Even so, some things seem eternal, such as the love for convertibles. Chip in the BMW badge too and you can easily see why the BMW…

The beautiful BMW Z3 Roadster – Photoshoot

The folks at Car-Shooters decided to do a short outing on the hills of Versilia, Tuscany, and for this occasion they used a very fast and fascinating spider. The protagonist of today is not a classic…