BMW Design

The Fascination of Car Design – BMW Design in Detail

E46 BMW 3 Series: The best looking 3?

E46 BMW 3 Series: The best looking 3?

The E46 BMW 3 Series is widely considered to be the best looking 3 Series of all time, and many will say it’s the best 3 Series of all time. But it all starts with…

BMW Introduces Future 3D Printable Concept Vehicle

Swedish designer Erik Melldahl has teamed with BMW to introduce the 3D printable Maasaica concept vehicle. The highly futuristic vehicle is still decades away from even be considered acceptable on the road and it brings…

BMW Design. Inspired by light

Light design is an important part of the BMW design. Over the years it changes, but always remains an unmistakable characteristic of BMW cars. The double round circles at the front of any BMW are…