2 Series

Which BMW started your love affair with the brand?

What's the best Valentine's Day Date BMW for 2016?

What’s the best Valentine’s Day Date BMW for 2016?

Come February 14, at least one half of every couple goes searching for flowers and chocolates and other typical romantic gifts for Valentine’s Day. Flower and chocolate shops are swamped on the days leading up to…

Should BMW offer more customization options?

Should BMW offer more customization options?

BMW used to offer a somewhat a la carte options list, allowing customers to pick and choose most options specifically, without requiring them to purchase preset packages. BMW never reached the level of customization offered on…

Top Gear drives the BMW 2002 Turbo

When people talk about the BMW 2002, it’s usually with praise, thanks to the nostalgia of the car. The 2002 means so much to BMW and to BMW fans, as it created a segment of car…