Rolls-Royce is, without a doubt, one of the most valuable brands in the world. The Spirit of Ecstasy is synonymous with luxury and one of the most desirable badges on the planet. And while the Goodwood-based manufacturer is quite skilled at putting together bespoke automobiles, it would seem like they are also quite capable of making some other items as well, for example: luggage.

The brand is offering luggage options for its patrons, individualized and adapted not only to the owner’s preferences in terms of color and materials used but also in terms of design and perfectly matched to the car. There’s a set of luggage offered for the Wraith and then there’s a set for the Phantom, each of them different, both in terms of design and pricing. The ones we’re going to take a look at here, are for the Wraith and are being detailed in the video below.

The Wraith luggage was created by observing the techniques of the Head Butler at a prestigious London hotel according to Rolls-Royce. What we’re looking at here are just two pieces of the entire six-piece collection but the two together are worth some 40,000 Euros according to Gustav. The six-piece collection includes two Grand Tourers, three Long Weekenders and a Garment Carrier and has been designed to fit perfectly into the luggage compartment a Rolls-Royce Wraith.

The Grand Tourer has carbon fiber in between the wheels, as you’re about to see, and uniquely designed wheels which feature self-leveling central monograms, something of a trademark for double-R cars and, apparently, luggage as well. The Long Weekender features a unique magnetic zip as well as distinctively crafted handles. All of this is meant to ensure that your trip is done in the utmost comfort, money be damned. After all, those buying a new Rolls-Royce won’t even notice the price tag of these bags.